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13 May 2016, Friday


Republic Polytechnic Blk E1 Level 4 Conference Room

Tea Break will be provided

All details submitted will be kept confidential

Registration Deadline: 10 May 2016, 3pm


We welcome your participation if you:

  • Are a practitioner with at least 5 years' experience in a particular field or outdoor pursuit

  • Have relevant certification e.g. advanced certificate, coach/instructor certificate etc.

  • Are affiliated or attached to a National Sports Association

# You can also request to be an Observer at any of the Focus Group Discussions


The main objectives of 13 May session are:

(a)   To agree on a set of guiding principles for crafting the standards for the OLAE groups;

(b)   To craft a first draft of standards for each group


The morning session will focus on the Guiding Principles they are important elements to chart the development of standards productively. The afternoon session will focus on developing the draft standards. Each category of standards will be headed by an OLAE committee member as per shown in the chart below. 

OLAE Professional Development Week

One of OLAE's priority is to provide continual professional & talent development and thus enabling career pathways for our practitioners. We would like to reach out all our newly registered members as well as members-to-be to take part in OLAE's inaugural Professional Development Week


Please note that we will be extending a special workshop price to OLAE members. 

For non-members, please contact us for membership registration in order to take advantage of the members' price. 

There are other workshops for both members and public to participate in, please sign up for them as there are limited spaces for each session. 

Evening Workshops


-by Ms. Lim Leng Er, Programme Chair of Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Learning - Republic Polytechnic

Date: 24 August (Wednesday)

Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Location: Brewhouse@Workcentral #06 - 01 Singapore Shopping Centre 190 Clemenceau Ave, 239924

As program facilitators and educators, we facilitate programs with learning outcomes. The outcomes may be similar but the facilitation techniques which we employ may vary. This workshop will provide a platform for one to explore and discover the underpinning philosophy which could possibly influence one's faciliation style.


This session will be highly interactive and require one to be open and reflective. It will also be a fun session as we dabble with confusion before we achieve clarity.


We recommend this workshop for outdoor practitioners and educators with at least 3 years of facilitation experience.


-by Mr. Lye Yen Kai, President of OLAE and Founder of Pivotal Youth

Date: 25 August (Thursday)

Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Location: Brewhouse@Workcentral #06 - 01 Singapore Shopping Centre 190 Clemenceau Ave, 239924

Debriefing is not difficult, it's everything that a facilitator does before debriefing that make debriefing difficult. Many facilitators struggle during the reflection / debriefing part after an activity. Many feel that debriefing is difficult and not sure what questions to ask. In this session, we would explore to highlight one of the concepts that facilitators can adopt that alleviate the perception of debriefing being difficult. 

It is the concept of “Flow".

In the context of Experiential Learning, we often hear the term “peak experience” or "optimal arousal”. These terms are closely related to the first of ELC - “Experience”; i.e. when a group of participants didn’t “experience” the “experience”, the subsequent stages in ELC would be even harder.


So join Yen Kai in this session, where participants would deep dive into the concept of “Flow, Experience, Learn”






-by Regional Security Expert from International SOS & Colin Koh, Founder of Asian Detours


Date: 26 August (Friday)

Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Location: Brewhouse@Workcentral #06 - 01 Singapore Shopping Centre 190 Clemenceau Ave, 239924

In light of the prevaling environment and travel security-related incidents, organisations and schools are increasingly concerned about the health and safety of participants. How can you mitigate these risks in the ever changing and volatile landscape as a practitioner and educator who is planning for such experiences?


In this interactive workshop, the International SOS Regional Security Expert will lead us through some key topics such as: 

  • Assessing your risk exposure and how to mitigate them

  • Potential impact to travelers

  • Learn best practices in travel risk mitigation

Following which, Mr. Colin Koh will be exploring as to how as Practitioners and Educators can do to plan and organize INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS AS SAFE AS THEY SHOULD BE.

​This dialogue will discuss how pracitioners and educators can continually look at best practices and available tools to enhance their safety and risk management of the international travel programs.


Colin will also share how practitioners and educators can approach the reality of infrastructural gaps in the area of safety and risk management and provide value to our participants by deploying our experience and training in the field of Outdoor Learning and Adventure Education.

Wilderness First Aid Course (WFA)

A Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Course is intended for non-medical professionals:

  • For people in charge and for whom medical care is a secondary responsibility

  • To be able to be good assistants to highly trained rescuer medical personnel 

  • For people with outdoor skills to be better participants and/or lead modest trips

  • This class helps the first aid trained to become the care giver who can improvise in an emergency 

  • Help individuals travelling in remote areas to better care for family, themselves and friends 

  • The 20 hour WFA course presents knowledge with an emphasis on practical skills and drills

  • A course required in USA for Boy Scout Leaders and Youth Camp Staff leader


  • Be able to speak and understand fluent English 

  • Be able to lift and carry some load

  • You have to be at least 16 years of age.

Course Duration 

  • 20 August - Course Training (9am- 5pm)

  • 21 August - Course Training (9am-5pm)

  • 27 August - Test day (2pm - 6pm)

Experiential Learning Masterclass by Professor Colin Beard

The Highlight of the Professional Development Week is the Experiential Learning Masterclass by Professor Colin Beard. There are limited slots for this program so do register online for the workshop asap.Want to design a more engaging and interactive Experiential Learning Programme?

Want to unclock the secret combination lock to Experiential Learning Lesson Design?

Workshop Dates: 22 - 23 August 2016 
Time: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm 

Join us for The Experiential Learning Master Class by Prof. Colin Beard.

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© 2016 by OLAE, The Outdoor Learning & Adventure Education Association

Email us:

​Mailing Address: 

10 Anson Road, #10-11

Singapore 079903

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